December 2017

Educational Technology and Science - A Perfect Fit

Even as a long-time proponent of the use of educational technology, I am still amazed at the rapid pace at which it has become a necessity...

Importance Of Integrated Technology In The Classrooms

In a world of constantly changing technology, educators are working to bring that technology to students. Textbooks are just not able to k...

5 Ways K-12 Teachers Can Make the Most of BYOD Policies

While a student pulling out their mobile phone during class would have been cause for a warning or detention a decade ago, thousands o...

Utopia 360°: 4D+ Augmented and Virtual Reality STEM Bundles

Utopia 360° may be a company that provides a range of video game and increased reality experiences.  In terms of K-12 STEM education, they p...

How VR Can Augment or Distract From Education

As a K-12 teacher, you must always be willing to try new things — and virtual reality (VR) is an extremely promising avenue. However, give...